Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
A pathfinder is a bibliography created to help begin research in a particular topic or subject area.
Klabnik, S., & Nichols, C. (2023). The rust programming language (2nd ed.). No Starch Press.
Earnhart, R. T. (2021). Engineering drawing and design: solid mensuration (understanding the 3-d space) (2nd ed.). C & E Publishing.
Pytel, A., & Kiusalaas, J. (2020). Engineering mechanics dynamics (4th ed.). Cengage.
Babu, V. (2020). Fundamentals of engineering thermodynamics. CRC Press.
Hwang, E. O. (2019). Digital logic and microprocessor design with interfacing (2nd ed.). Cengage.
Sarmiento, M., Abante, M., Lansingan, R., Macatangay, L., Mendiola, J., & Cambaya K. (2019). CSS and networking guide for CCNA and CSS. Bigfaith Trading.
Pomperada, J. R. (2019). Beginner's guide C++ programming. Bigfaith Trading.
Farrell, J. (2019). Java programming. Cengage.
Villalas, B. S., & Abear, M.L. D. (2019). Mechanics and hydromechanics (MECH 111). Wiseman.
Villalas, B. S., Ylaya, E. S., & Parba, C. Y. (2019). Engineering materials (e-mat 111). Wiseman.
Villalas, B. S., & Abear, M.L. D. (2019). Thermodynamics. Wiseman.
Jueco, J., & Seroje, D.T. (2019). Basic electronics: student laboratory manual. Wiseman.
O'Neil, P. V. (2019). Advanced engineering mathematics, metric edition. Cengage.
Ylaya, E. S., Parba, C. Y., & Juanero, R. D. (2019). Machine shop 1. Wiseman.
Ylaya, E. S., Parba, C. Y., & Juanero, R. D. (2019). Machine shop 2. Wiseman.
Cañesares, C. L. (2019). Introduction to thermodynamics. C& E Publishing.
Gautam, A. (2018). Database management system and oracle. Random Publications.
Pomperada, J. R. (2018). Introduction to C# programming. Bigfaith Trading.
Pomperada, J. R. (2018). Introduction to java programming. Bigfaith Trading.
Abante, M. V., Sarmiento, M. E., Cortez, D.M. A., Santos, D.M., Neones, M.R. M., Santos, J.J. B., & Tadeo, R. L. (2018). Java programming. Bigfaith Trading.
Abante, M. V., Cortez, D.M. A., Delos Trinos, M.J. A., Fermanejo, I.J. A., Santos, D.M., & Sarmiento, M. E. (2018). Learning MS visual C#. Bigfaith Trading.
3G E-Learning. (2018). Illustrated dictionary of web programming. Bigfaith Trading.
Blank, L., & Tarquin, A. (2018). Engineering economy (8th ed.). McGraw-Hill.
Urbano, A. D.A. (2018). General chemistry: laboratory manual and workbook. Wiseman.
Mittal, A. K., & Dev, K. (2017). Engineering drawing: for electrician, wireman, electropater, lift and escalator, mech. Computech Publications.
Vodnik, S. (2017). HTML5 and CSS3, illustrated introductory (2nd ed.). Cengage.
Mansala, E. T. (2017). Tech book series 10: C++ and java programming made simple. The Library Publishing House.
Lactuan, L. L., Abas, M. L., David, A. D., Devera, J.J. R., & Lactuan, I. R. (2017). Integral calculus. Jimczyville Publications.
Upadhyay, A. K. (2017). Fluid mechanics: hydraulics. S.K. Kataria an Sons.
Potter, M. C., Wiggert, D. C., & Ramadan, B. H. (2017). Mechanics of fluids (5th ed.). Cengage.
Singal, R. K. (2017). Automobile engineering (3rd ed.). S.K. Kataria and Sons.
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Mechanical Engineering
Philippine Engineering Journal